Speaking | Stage Painting

Noelle Okolowicz is a speaker and stage artist with a heartfelt love for Jesus. Her messages blend artistic principals with biblical breakthrough, as she uses her own life stories to illustrate God’s redemptive work amidst brokenness.

She speaks from her own life experiences, most often “leading with her weaknesses”. She believes in humor. She believes in “real.” And she believes that God has all the answers to overcome any problem we’re facing. As a stage artist and teacher, she seeks to dynamically engage and challenge her audiences in creative ways that promote positive life change, and a deeper, richer faith.


Breaking Through the Brokenness
After difficult losses in life, grief is our God-given process to respond to trauma. But God doesn’t want us to “live” in the brokenness forever. We have freedom to move out of the “broken place”; to heal, to forgive, and to be forgiven. The break-down often comes before the break-through. This topic addresses the value of grieving, but incorporates the “when and how” to move past the process, and into the beautiful life that Jesus died for us to have. Surrender. Release. Freedom. Designed to fill women with fresh hope, this will encourage us to yearn for God’s very best.

Painting A New Life, Beyond Your Painful Past
Redefining life is like a starting from a blank canvas. When we’ve moved past the immediacy of a terrible upset or tragedy, we’re often left wondering what direction to take next. All too often, we sit there, staring at the empty, white abyss of “what if’s” and “what now’s”. Jesus longs to take our hand, guide the paint brush and start creating beauty and splendor into our future. Dreams come alive; God-given dreams of purpose that He planted in your very DNA. There is purpose in the process. This topic beckons women to look, not just see. To listen, and not just hear. To dip that brush into the paint and exhale, and above all to trust Jesus with the outcome.

Turning Your Mess into His Masterpiece
Once the healing from our past hurts has resolved in peaceful surrender, we get this amazing gift called perspective. This topic encourages women to look back at the “icky” places with fresh eyes. Instead of running from the mess, pretending like it never happened, or trying to cover it up “for appearance sake”, what if we invited God to turn our mess into His masterpiece? What if we allowed Him to use the shards of colorful trash, to carefully craft a beautiful mosaic of splendor? He promises us “beauty for ashes” in scripture. How can we let Him reduce, reuse and recycle every drop of our junk for His perfect glory? Let’s look closer at what would happen if we embraced this passionate challenge!

Risky Faith
Stepping out in unpopular ways is scary. But it’s completely biblical. Looking at the story of the woman with the blood issue, dissecting the treasure of the truth tucked away in her journey, we’ll unlock the value of “risky faith”. What does it mean to be sold out for Jesus, and what amazing rewards are waiting for those who dare to do it? A call to boldness, despite the odds, we press on for an audience of One. This is a spiritual “protein shake” so we can run the race with endurance!

Identity and Destiny; He Is. We Are.
How we see ourselves can have a direct correlation with how our lives unfold. If our thinking isn’t right, our lives won’t be right either. Teaching from her weaknesses, Noelle shares first hand stories about how her own flawed thinking complicated her already messy life after divorce. Yet when God showed her her value as a child of God, her true identity as the daughter of the most High King, the lies melted away. This message empowers women to place their confidence in God alone, dissect their identity in relation to His, and to emerge with clarity! ‘We are’, because ‘He is’.