Beauty is not simply a nice painting. Or a pretty song. Or a neat piece of writing. It’s so much more than that. It transcends the darkness. It brings light and hope to dark places. Beauty protests chaos. It fuels our minds to dream, to be inspired, to hope for better. Beauty takes us from mere survival to living greater. In it’s many forms and flavors, it freely gives us a life of joy, meaning and fullness. It allows us the capability to experience our God-given senses in a way that connects us to our Lord’s bounty. Beauty is not optional for our growth and development in this life, it is essential. Beauty matters.
Beauty Matters to God.
Isaiah 61 speaks about the favor of God as He proclaims the importance of rebuilding ruin, and repairing devastation. Those important nuggets, nestled in a chapter that’s filled to the brim with rich goodness, help define our mission for Artists Global impact.
Beauty Matters, and is released in 6 significant ways:
I Inspire. We Inspire the world through creativity.
M Meaning. There is purpose in what we do.
P Proximity. We have influence and reach.
A Available. We are open to opportunities.
C Connection. We are stronger together.
T Teach. We learn and share, so the movement grows.
We hope these statements excite you. We hope they made your heart jump a little.
And to drive the point home, we’d like to leave you with the lyrics from a Sara Groves song. Check the melody out on You Tube if you’d like, because if you haven’t heard it before, you might find something precious stir up in your spirit.
“Why it Matters”
Sit with me and tell me once again
Of the story that’s been told us
Of the power that will hold us
Of the beauty, of the beauty
Why it matters
Speak to me until I understand
Why our thinking and creating
Why our efforts of narrating
About the beauty, of the beauty
And why it matters
Like a statue in the park
Of this war torn town
And its protest of the darkness
And the chaos all around
With its beauty, how it matters
How it matters
Show me a love that never fails
The compassion and attention
Midst confusion and dissention
Like small ramparts for the soul
How it matters
Like a single cup of water
How it matters