
What is Art of BreakthroughWhat is it?

The Art of Breakthrough infuses art, discovery,  and Godly truths in relevant, fresh ways. It is a creative process designed to empower people to push past their stuck areas and find wholeness in God’s best plan.

Through overcoming struggles, (both personal and professional) I realized that progress unfolds in much that same way that my paintings do. Creative breakthrough has an order. Finding beauty in the dark places and purpose in the tension can define our greatest lessons and unveil a hiding “masterpiece” within our souls.

We all want breakthrough, but how does it happen? Is it up to us or do we leave it to God?

The answer, is both. We create a divine partnership where we do what we can, and God does what we can’t. The result is God-sized, dynamic breakthroughs!

Not only are preparation, and planning important as we work to break through barriers, but the process must be saturated with a holy presence which allows “room to breath”, permission for “re-do’s” and provision for discovery along the way.

The Art of Breakthrough is a creative, 14 “stop” destination journey to discover God’s best.   In both individual struggles and professional enrichment, we allow God to “show up” with divine instruction, intersecting our rationale and reason with spirit infused discovery.

We use art, bible truth, real-life stories and fun mixed with tears for meaningful breakthrough opportunity.

Please join me as we break through stuck-places and emerge strong!
<>< Noelle


strategic ministry coachingThe Art Of Breakthrough Curriculum isn’t released for publication yet, but you don’t have to wait to start building your bold, “breakthrough” life with God.

Are you ready for something “more?”

Do you need help in building the vision from “dream” to “real”?

Are you at the point of taking action but don’t know where to start?

Are you ready to make a bold move? It’s time to get creative! “Release the overwhelm” and move forward with excitement. Consider joining the Art of Breakthrough Membership.

This is Your opportunity to get:

  •     INTENTIONAL with your dreams!
  •     REFRESHED in your vision building!
  •     PRACTICAL coaching
  •     COLLABORATION with like-minded individuals
  •     ENCOURAGEMENT, discovery and breakthrough in “stuck” places
  •     GROUP COACHING: weekly, live interactive teleconferences with relevant topics
  •     INDIVIDUAL COACHING: once a month, get specific, individualized attention
  •     50% DISCOUNT on all events and live training

Pray about it and consider how this partnership will help you step out with courage! I look forward to working with you as a “divine partner” releasing God’s kingdom work on earth! May you be blessed and BE the blessing!

 “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. 1 Chronicles 28:20

Contact Noelle to Become a Member